About Vintage Arms Scotland
Formed in 1987 the objectives of Vintage Arms Scotland are to encourage an interest in muzzle and breech loading firearms to promote, regulate and safeguard their use to preserve their freedom of collection.
The Club is affiliated to:
- the National Rifle Association (NRA)
- the Muzzle Loaders Association of Great Britain (MLAGB)
Club Atmosphere

In line with our interest in muzzle and breech loading weapons, our members own a wide variety of firearms . These range in age from muzzle loading muskets through to 'newfangled' modern breech loaded brass cartridge firearms!!
Subject to the usual formalities, experienced shooters who hold a current FAC are welcome to attend range days and shoot as a visitor.
NOTE:-Visitors are required to contact us prior to attending a range day.
Vintage Arms Scotland is actively seeking new members and would be pleased to consider applications. The Club is a very friendly one and has a membership covering all ages and professions, including a number of family, lady and junior members.
For more membership details, contact us